(no subject)

May 02, 2007 21:01

Let me start by stateing something for the record. There is no such thing as perfect. The glass is never full. Because if perfect were to exist, that would be to acknowledge limits. And we humans are not limited. Now of course the mortal mind creates the illusion of limitation. Because such forces as gravity pulling us to earth, and the need to breathe oxygen are powerful motives to make us believe that there is some imaginary line we cannot cross. But it is not so.

It is very simple to believe what you see is reality. In truth reality is not seen, felt, heard, tasted, or smelt. No, reality occurs only in the mind. Do you think we all live in the same reality? The illusion of reality would have you believe so, but this too is false. Each individual lives a very unique reality. This is due mostly to perception and experience. Events are percieved differantly, cause action and reaction are given to the individual to comprehend and if they wish, to explain. This is where the idea of god comes into existence. Explination for creation, events, and purpose. God gives most reason for reality. But not everyone sees this view. There are others that believe I think therefor I am, and that they are the reason for thier existence. Others believe there is no purpose what-so-ever.

Limitation is an excuse. If you want it bad enough, take it. When its denied to you, try again. When necessary, use force. I have been told that we are free to do anything we want as long as we respect and do not hurt other people. I tell them bullshit. Because we are free to hurt people. Often, our wishes conflict with other peoples wishes, and regaurdless of action, someone will be hurt.

Pysical limitations are bullshit too. "It's too high, I can't, it hurts" f-u-c-k that. This attitude will do nothing but destroy any chance of progress you ever had the opportunity to achieve. "I'm good enough already, I don't need to practice harder, I know how to already". This attitude is worse. Because if you picture your glass as full, it will do nothing but spill over, and you will never learn more.

If I inspired you, good. Do something amazing with your life. If you hate my word with an undying passion, even better. It is healthy to debate the worth of everything. Especially reality and truth, because after much scrutiny, one will come to understand that neither exists universally.
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