Jun 19, 2009 10:14

I don't want it to say that I never display any empathy. Fact is, I do. I have empathy up to here [gesturing] for all of those ObamaBots who put so much thought and attention into their vote last year. You know the ones I'm talking about ... the people who swooned and fainted at the very mention of the word "change" and who went to sleep every night with visions of sugar plums and change we can believe in.

I'm trying to build a scorecard. Here's just a few items:

* Trillions added to our national debt.
* American is having trouble getting other countries to buy American debt
* Obama virtually ignores a corrupt election in Iran. We leave it to French President Sarkozy to speak out for the Iranian people wanting a free election.
* GM and Citigroup now government operations. More to come.
* The government (Obama) gets to set executive compensation levels.
* Obama seeking the ability to seize private businesses.
* Firing inspector generals who uncover corruption involving Obama buddies.
* Overturning established law to favor unions over secured creditors in GM's bankruptcy.
* Obama wants to reduce tax deductions for charitable deductions. Government doesn't like competition.
* The Washington DC voucher system, with a great record of success, slated for elimination while Obama's kids go to private school.
* Obama says 8% unemployment max. We're nearing 10%
* Obama moves to raise taxes on the small businesses that create the jobs.
* North Korea threatening to send a missile toward Hawaii
* While NK is lobbing missiles, Obama cuts spending in missile defense systems.

Hey .. that's just scratching the surface. How's this "change you can believe in" working out for you? I know. It's tough. You put all of this faith in Barack Obama. He's going to make everything just wonderful. All we need is change. Now you're sitting here trying to figure out just how long you will be able to keep that Obama bumper sticker on your car. After all ... being a sucker is one thing. Advertising to the world that you got suckered by focus group slogans is another.

Working out pretty well, isn't it?
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