Oct 11, 2007 12:44
12:13:43 PM) You feel a disturbance in the force...
(12:14:08 PM) chel213: ok, so if you're not going to believe me and you're not going to believe professors, and you're not going to believe Josh, who are you going to believe/
(12:14:34 PM) NebulaOct: Why do I need to believe anyone?
(12:14:48 PM) chel213: because why should anyone believe you?
(12:17:06 PM) NebulaOct: I don't demand that they do. I present evidence to support my positions and I argue them well. If you still don't believe you are a Peter O'Brien denier.
(12:17:27 PM) chel213: but you don't defend them properly with proper authorities behind you
(12:17:39 PM) NebulaOct: That's your opinion
(12:18:27 PM) chel213: that's not just my opinion, it's also Josh
(12:18:30 PM) chel213: 'sopinion
(12:18:38 PM) chel213: look at what is being said to you.
(12:18:55 PM) chel213: You could win100%, except you use belifs and opinions and biased and outdated information
(12:19:50 PM) NebulaOct: I sent in updated information for the one article that was out of date. I do win. Everytime.
(12:20:34 PM) chel213: you win because no one can tell you that your opinions are wrong. Your facts can be wrong and your articles can be wrong, but opinions, by their nature, can't be wrong
(12:21:06 PM) NebulaOct: So therefore I will why change my tactics if they work.
(12:21:12 PM) NebulaOct: will=win
(12:21:25 PM) chel213: you win because someone can't argue, it's not winning
(12:22:00 PM) chel213: it's like if somoene scratches on the 8 Ball, you don't win, the other person just loses
(12:24:17 PM) NebulaOct: If I can win a tournament by having all my opponents scratch on the 8 does that make me less of a champion?
(12:24:25 PM) chel213: yes
(12:24:37 PM) chel213: because it was not your talent that won, it was their talent that made them lose
(12:24:47 PM) NebulaOct: No I still get the prize money, I still get the trophy and I still get the title.
(12:27:12 PM) chel213: but you didn't win
(12:27:19 PM) chel213: they all lost
(12:27:51 PM) chel213: where did you find the article about health insurance and those lacking it?
(12:29:26 PM) NebulaOct: Cybercast News Service
(12:29:56 PM) chel213: yeah, but did you google it or find it on a website
(12:30:46 PM) NebulaOct: Website
(12:30:54 PM) NebulaOct: same as I found the one I just posted
(12:31:13 PM) chel213: did you look at the other "news" posted on it?
(12:31:32 PM) NebulaOct: Are you going to tell me its all biased?
(12:31:41 PM) chel213: did you look at the articles
(12:32:49 PM) NebulaOct: There slogan is "The RIGHT news, right now." They don't claim to be objective.
(12:33:02 PM) NebulaOct: You know, like the NYTs does
(12:33:07 PM) chel213: and yet you use them as an authority
(12:33:25 PM) NebulaOct: No I posted an article from their site and asked a question.
(12:33:51 PM) chel213: do you read the NYTs? Do you read the LAT? The Washington Post? BBC's site? there is going to be bias, but not right-out, it's called critically reading and analyzing
(12:34:52 PM) NebulaOct: The Cybercast News Service was launched on June 16, 1998 as a news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin and seek news that’s ignored or under-reported as a result of media bias by omission. Study after study by the Media Research Center, the parent organization of CNSNews.com, clearly demonstrate a liberal bias in many news outlets - bias by commission and bias by omission - that results in a frequent double-standard in editorial decisions on what constitutes "news." In response to these shortcomings, MRC Chairman L. Brent Bozell III founded CNSNews.com in an effort to provide an alternative news source that would cover stories that are subject to the bias of omission and report on other news subject to bias by commission.
(12:35:45 PM) chel213: you want to bash Hillary and any other Democrat you can get your hands on while not even knowing some of the things the dear Republicans are voting on. You claim to know the issues, and yet you say that "women's rights" are moral issues, when in fact your "political beliefs" believe that there should be less government and more choice, and therefore there should be no government ordinances on "Women's rights"
(12:37:08 PM) chel213: And yet, you choose to buddy up with the Republican party. Choose the "lesser" of the two evils. If you actually studied both sides you'd find that you agree with Democrats on most issues and Republicans fiscally
(12:37:18 PM) NebulaOct: So basically your upset because I present onle what I want to present?
(12:37:48 PM) NebulaOct: .Name one I agree with them on?
(12:37:51 PM) chel213: you present shit and claim it to be an authority on the matter
(12:37:56 PM) NebulaOct: One promanent issue
(12:38:08 PM) NebulaOct: I do no such thing.
(12:38:18 PM) NebulaOct: I don't claim anyone to be an authority
(12:38:26 PM) chel213: Strict constitutionality
(12:38:35 PM) chel213: adding amendments that aren't there
(12:38:42 PM) NebulaOct: Show me one!
(12:39:13 PM) chel213: Party line vote about Homosexuality and marrige being put into the constitution
(12:39:15 PM) NebulaOct: And if it didn't happen since the Regan administration then you are talking about 2 different politcal parties than those we have today
(12:39:28 PM) NebulaOct: State Issue
(12:39:33 PM) chel213: exactly
(12:40:11 PM) NebulaOct: Now if it involves federal taxes they have a reason to have their hands in it.
(12:40:12 PM) chel213: Republicans presented it and tried to vote for it
(12:40:29 PM) NebulaOct: So what if they did, when did I ever say I completely agree with them?
(12:40:46 PM) chel213: you said you completely disagree with the Dems
(12:41:26 PM) NebulaOct: All they have to do is change the tax code to accept only straight marriges for tax benefits.
(12:41:34 PM) NebulaOct: When?
(12:42:07 PM) chel213: chel213: .Name one I agree with them on?
(12:42:15 PM) chel213: that copied funny
(12:42:28 PM) chel213: "Nebulaoct: .Name one I agree with them on?"
(12:43:14 PM) NebulaOct: They want the marriages to be legal. I don't but I want the states to decide. So I do disagree with them.
(12:43:34 PM) chel213: you agree with them that it's a state issue
(12:43:40 PM) chel213: have to go, have a good day, I love you :-*
(12:43:51 PM) NebulaOct: bye :-* and your wrong I don't
(12:43:57 PM) chel213 has signed off.