Aug 20, 2007 09:10
Appearing on "Meet the Press," Rove was responding to a question about a recent Clinton campaign ad.
"Most of the ad was devoted to health care, which really to me was a sign of defensiveness. She understands she’s got a weakness on this.
"Hillary Clinton voted against providing seniors with a prescription drug benefit.
"Hillary Clinton voted against allowing people to save tax free for their out-of-pocket medical expenses.
"Hillary Clinton voted against medical liability reform so that docs are not forced out of practice by junk lawsuits.
"She opposes leveling the playing field so that people who pay for health insurance out of their own pocket get the same tax break the big corporations get for providing health care benefits to their employees.
"She’s against allowing people to shop for health insurance across state lines like we do with auto insurance so the consumers would have more choices and there’d be competition to get your business, give you more for less.
"She is a person who now -- she was opposed to and voted against allowing seniors to have a choice of keeping their current doc and their current health care plan through a private form of Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and now she’s voting for penalizing seniors who have those private health care plans through Medicare.
"This woman’s got one idea on health care, which is to let the government do it all, and she’s voted against all these very positive reforms which would allow the doctor and the patient to be in charge of health care."