Finally got a chance to catch up with Criminal Minds "Reflections of Desire"
I really liked this - but then, I really liked True Night as well because it played with expectations and gave us brilliant unsub POV and twisty story-telling. I like that CM is comfortable enough with its viewers to play around a little.
I did start to cotton on to the dead mother around the time of viewing the station footage and she wasn't there. But I really liked the "Pscyho" aspects of this episode and I thought Rhett's obsession with his mother was totally believable. I particularly liked how he descended into his delusion being everything, completely lost within his fantasy. I also liked the brave victim fighting back, even if she should have kept on hitting him instead of banging helplessly on the locked doors.
I also liked that Garcia's secret is acting. It was a nice misdirect - everyone assuming that because it was a secret, it had to be a biggie and something dark. And it is quite a big secret - it revealed an aspect of Garcia that her colleagues were unaware of and gave a whole new side to her.
And if we're going with the Mommy issues, I do hope we get more of Reid's mommy this season.