Surely We're Not the Only Ones!

May 28, 2008 14:50

On Sunday, Greg and I were running around working on cleaning out his dad's apartment at the assisted living home (Joe Sardo passed away on May 17). We had a few other errands to do that day, but cut a couple of them short in order to make it home on time to watch the NASA channel's coverage of the Phoenix landing.

Mind you, the coverage itself isn't what you'd call 'sexy' - mostly it alternated between static shots of the JPL control room and animations of what the lander was doing at that moment, with little if any commentary. But we found it riveting and watched all the way through, and cheered along when they received good progress reports.

Since then, after a few conversations and emails, it seems that very few people I interact with on a regular basis were even remotely interested in or aware of the Phoenix landing. I can understand/accept that not everyone has access to the NASA channel, and that many people had other things going on at that time. But I'm amazed at the indifference I pick up on from my cow-orkers and casual acquaintances.

We can't be the only people we know who think Space Exploration is Way Cool!

Plus, I think the mission logo is beautiful and I must have an embroidered patch...
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