Welp. I'm the only one left in the lab. Even though I should technically stay till 5:30, I think I'll probz be leaving shortly. It's only a half an hourish, and just come on.
I just wanted to brag about A) all the jewelry I bought today for super cheap including this fine number:
and B) that I'm planning my first trip using my flight benefits! Did I even ever mention those? Basically, Roommate got me hooked up so that I can fly where ever I want for free. There are a couple catches, I guess. Namely that there was a one-time $75 fee, I can only fly on United, I can fly their carriers domestically, but there's some kinda weird thing if I try and do that internationally that I think makes it prohibitively esspensive, if I fly regular United internationally I have to pay the taxes (probz like 10% but still, that could be a couple hundred), and most importantly (for me) I have to fly standby. Meaning if the flight I want is full, I just gotta wait. Which can be kind of a drag as far as taking time off and whatnot.
HOWEVER. I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, cuz I aint. Actually, I mentioned something about the whole dealio to one of our post docs, and he was like "You should just say to Niels that you want to work 10 hour days every day and then take Fridays off and maybe a vacation day here or there and travel every weekend." And at first I was thinking like, HA! Like my dickwad boss who is fucking INSANE about working schedules would ever allow that! But like, really? I think he kinda might! Like, he kinda seems like he only gets pissy if I don't give him enough warning about taking time off. But as long as I let him know in advance, he's fine with it. And I know he approves of taking time off to travel. And he's said in the past that he'd be willing to discuss making some kind of changes to my scheduling if I need to (although I think at the time he was referring to if I wound up needing to take more than my allotted sick days for Killer Kramps).
I dunno. It just seems like this is too good an opportunity to pass up. Anyone want me to come visit you?? Anyways, my first trip will involve going to
parenthesized's birfday party in Washington, and also getting to meet
ravenface live and in the flesh. You will be in flesh, right?
And then Imma go visit Hobox up in New Yizzy.
Oh my life. One big party.