Earlier this year, Haruhi came out with her dancing game for the Nintendo Wii. But despite it bearing the Haruhi Suzumiya name, the game
didn't sell very well. Well last week the second Haruhi game for the Wii,
the Parallel of Haruhi Suzumiya, came out. & unlike the previous game, this one actually got decent reviews. However, this game also seems doomed to fail as well.
Stores in Akihabara have already begun cutting the price of the game in half, even though it's still very new. The special limited edition version of the game originally sold for 12075 yen (~$120), but has now been reduced to 5980 yen (~$60). Likewise, the regular edition of the game dropped an even great amount from 7140 yen (~$70) to 1980 yen (~$20). It's too early to tell if this reduced price will help improve sales or not. This particularly sucks for Sega. They take a popular title, make a good game out of it, & yet people still wont buy it. I guess people are so
tired of waiting for new Haruhi that they don't even care anymore. Fortunately it looks as if they don't have to wait much longer, though....