The 2007 DTD animated movie "Superman: Doomsday" will be airing on Toonami next month. The exact date is July 12 at 9pm (Eastern/Pacific). That means no Naruto? I didn't think they were capable of doing such a move anymore. Well I'm up for any change-up from the norm at this point.
Anyway, the movie is based off of the "Death of Superman" story in the comics. & since this is a
Bruce Timm based DC comic movie, you can bet there's a connection to the Superman & Justice League animated series. This movie is also part of Warner Bros attempt at more mature comic movie cartoons. With a PG-13 rating, this is pretty serious stuff for Toonami, though it wouldn't be the first time either (I still can't believe the Hell Boy movies aired there unedited). It's about time Toonami get something fresh & interesting. All their current programming is either stale or just plain not wanted.