Turning Star Wars Japanese

Mar 01, 2008 22:29

The official Star Wars website has a new article up comparing American comic versions of the movies to the Japanese manga versions. & their result is that the manga just does things better. I can't say I blame them for choosing the side from the Rising Sun, because as you can tell from looking at the comparative scans that starwars.com provides, everything about it just seems greater. The action is cooler, the violence is bloodier, & the comedy looks funnier.

The character designs rule too. Vader looks bad-ass, Leia actually looks cute/hot & downright sexy in her slave outfit (maybe it's a generational thing, but despite how young she was while filming the movies, I can picture her as being old), & Chewbacca is... well Chewie is kawaii, bit it kinda works for his character. As you go to check out the article itself, make sure not to miss the climax of the story when Vader saves Luke from the Emperor, because it's nothing short of amazing in the Japanese version. You can check out the article & scans right here:


star wars, manga, pics

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