AnimeOnDVD have gotten their hands on an early look at ADV's dub of AIR, which just recently finished here on NebsTV. Don't forget that if you liked what the review had to say or if you just enjoyed watching the series here, you can get the first volume at
a special price for a couple days only from ADV's site right now. Here's a short summary of what the reviewer though about the first volume of the series:
The first third of the series resides on this volume and it's certainly an intriguing piece of work but more so from the way it makes you feel rather than the actual content. There is enough here to certainly merit more attention as you want to know what's really going on here and what the deal is with Misuzu but it isn't a strong must. Where the show wins you over is in how it plays out, how it utilizes its animation, locales and music in order to draw you into what is otherwise a fairly simple story. Every aspect of the show around the actual plot is lavishly done and filled with detail, emotion and feeling. What remains to be seen is whether it can take what it's starting with here and make it something that you can't help but to rave about. The first volume is a solid start to the series in many ways but isn't a slam dunk across the board.