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Episode 54 - They Saved Tristan's Brain
It's been awhile since I've posted an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. Luckily, it's been awhile since LittleKuriboh actually did an episode! Almost 7 months, actually. But at long last, it's the final duel of the Big Five TeamFourStar Team4Kids!
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I recall watching the first episode of the Singapore dub (much like Digimon and One Piece's Singapore dubs, it's totally faithful to the original but has really fucked-up voice acting... the voices themselves, though, I recall being pretty fitting even if the direction was questionable). This was a long time ago, however, so I checked a clip of it in the Related Videos when I was done watching this episode. Yugi really does talk like that. XD
Some of the Season Zero episode was basically a retread of the very first episode of the Duel Monsters series (which LK has already redubbed, redubbed with lots of vagina, had Team Fortress voice clips played over, and redone as a black & white silent film with Kaiba growing a mustache), but it was still very amusing because of how out-of-character everyone's being (compared to the other abridged series, at least). Grandpa being totally indifferent towards the Blue Eyes, Mokuba being a tyranical jerkass while Kaiba's a redone Tea who manages to even creep out the Season Zero version of Yami (whom the first episode already established as being an axe-crazy nutjob, much like in the early manga really), and holy crap, did Miho just have her first ever speaking line in a LittleKuriboh production? But I am just a little disappointed that no mention was made to the game being called "Magic & Wizards" in the manga (you'll notice, despite the anime's name change, the back of the card still has an M and a W on it). Speaking of which, it was interesting to see them playing cards on a table with the effect of the monsters "coming to life" actually being done through dark powers instead of any technology (why would anyone waste all that money/vagina on something like that?).
I too was surprised that LK didn't reference the game being called Magic and Wizards. It seemed ripe for the picking to make odd references to.
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