Pixar Animation Studio has surprised by the world by announcing today that their 2011 film wont be "Cars 2," but in fact is an adaptation of Hayao Miyazaki's classic film "My Neighbor Totoro." It's been well established that the studio that brought us Toy Story & Bug's Life are huge fans of Studio Ghibli. A Totoro toy was even featured in Toy Story 3 last year. On retrospect, this was probably meant as a hint to their next film, a tactic which Pixar uses quite a lot.
Simply titled "Totoro," the American-made CGI flick is expected to hit theaters this Christmas. Brad Bird, who was the showrunner for Pixar's "the Incredibles," is the producer. Pixar's chief officer, John Lasseter, had the following to say on the project:
“I’ve had a passionate vision for Totoro in my head for years, and now I have the greatest studio in the world helping me make it a reality.”
As for Miyazaki, he said the following on the matter:
“I couldn’t be happier with Pixar teaming up with Disney. This one is going to be special!“