One stereotype of being an anime fan is that many of us tend to be... big boned. & while it's certainly not true of all of us, there is an undeniable truth that many an otaku could afford to shed some weight. There's a reason why so many anime shirts in the US are sold as XL sizes. But here we have an inspiring tale of one such fan who went on to lose 200 pounds in a relatively quick amount of time. & if you're a fan of Abridged anime pieces, you're probably already familiar with him.
The person in question is Lawrence Simpson, better known in online circles as MasakoX. As a member of TeamFourStar, he's one of the stars of DragonBall Z Abridged, star & co-creator of Naruto Abridged, & star & creator of Kampfer Abridged. More recently he's also become known for his online anime review series Anifile, which even gets published on Crunchyroll. While he used to be a behind-the-mic star, since launching Anifile he's really taken to being in front of a camera. & for long time fans of the Abridged Community, it was probably quite the shocker to see this skinny dude talking about anime.
Long-time visitors may recall the Nebs Blog's coverage of the War of the Abridged Series Creators from back in 2008. At the time, Masako made his first ever
on-screen appearance. It wouldn't be for another 10 months that we'd see him on camera yet again, but during that time Masako went from this:
Click to view this:
Click to view
Yup, just less than one year later. So what was his secret? How did he do it? Fortunately, Masako was kind enough to put together a little weight loss video to answer some questions & give some advice. In reality, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He mainly just ate better & excerised, & that's really all there is to it. One of the things that struck me most was when he said how something as little as giving up soda can do wonders. I decided to try that one myself. As someone who loves soda... & I mean LOVES it... I didn't think I could do it. However, after a tempting few first days, it proved to be a lot easier than I originally thought. I've been at it for over a month now, & I must say have noticed a bit of a difference.
Anyway, I really recommend anyone who wants to lose some weight should watch the video at the top. The amount of weight Masako lost in such a short amount of time is really inspirational. Maybe it'll help you too.