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Trying to catch up on news that's been going on while my busy busy life gets away from me, Bandai Entertainment posted this newest Return of the ASOS Brigade video on their official Haruhi website. As the video indicates, not only does Bandai have the
second season, but they've licensed
the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya movie as well! Obviously a DVD release will be coming out eventually, but no date has been given for that yet.
We do, however, have dates though for a limited theatrical run that the film will be giving. It'll first be shown May 21 at San Francisco's Viz Cinema, & then will be shown in Hawaii in mid-June. Did I mention VERY limited? I mean that's cool news for those in San Fran & Hawaii, but what about the rest of us? More shows may be added over time, so just keep your fingers crossed for the time being.