For some reason over the past week or so, several key anime bloggers have announced they're retiring from blogging & will no longer be running their respective websites. First was perhaps the biggest one of all, Omni from
Random Curiosity. & then a few days later, CJ Blackwing from
Borderline Hikikomori announced his retirement. & now most recently,
SXAnimedia (formerly ADV Nation), has announced its end as well.
Well folks, I don't need a kick in the pants to know when the right time comes to retire. With so many other long time & prominent bloggers ending their reigns, I figured it's best that the Nebs Blog should sign off now too. So this is the end, my friends. This will be the final post for the Nebs Blog. Never again shall these pages be updated. Nope, not a single thing past this post. Certainly not in the next 5 minutes.
It's been a fun ride, but all good things must come to an end. Until we meet again, my friends!