The PS Triple web-manga, known as PS Three-san in Japan, has announced on its official blog that their English translated version will not be continuing any further. Last June, the English version was announced & two iPhone apps were launched containing the translated strips. Each app came with 50 strips- 40 in the regular monochrome series, plus 10 special colored strip. Since then, the official English blog for PS Triple has regularly updated by posting strips from the main monochrome series. But after posting the 50th strip in late December, they haven't added anymore.
Well now they revealed that the PS Triple project will, sadly, not be moving on any further. The blog wont be updated with any further strips &, worse yet, they wont be translating any more material. The reason cited was "the effort put into maintaining the blog outweighed the amount of income the franchise needed to keep things going." PS Three-san continues to run online in Japan, with the 99th strip just uploaded a few days ago. The remaining 30 (+ 20 colored) strips not shown for free online can still be viewed in the iPhone apps, & as compensation for the situation, each app has been lowered to only 99 cents.