Fanwriting: Weekend 3/Week 4 Word Counts

May 05, 2012 09:01

Friday's Word Count:0 (c. 1, draft)
Saturday's Word Count:599 (c. 1, draft)
Sunday's Word Count:12 (c. 1, draft); 1212 (draft of a Legend of Korra story, tentatively titled "Keeping Up Appearances")
Sample Text:Doyle shook his head, his irritation returning. He wasn't sure why Lance's latent power kept clashing with his wards. The effect was intermittent and, as far as he could tell, unwilled on both their parts. Without having the boy in a circle at the moment it happened, however, Doyle knew his ability to diagnose the problem was limited. Like describing that rattle the mechanic can never reproduce, he thought wryly. Maybe it was just adolescent hormones or a growth spurt. Doyle's own talent had run hot and cold until his early twenties, before finding its current level.

And how's that working out?
Week four word counts are easy: zilch. I've been backboning scene 4 all week, trying to get it to gel, and I think it's finally starting to come together. Hopefully today will see some actual verbiage produced.

fanwriting, a massive effort of discipline, oracle, korra

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