Sep 14, 2021 13:09

2020 is not uniquely bad. 2021 will be worse and so-on. It’s not God or your horoscope or mercury in Gatorade or any of that mystical bullshit. There’s this thing called *cause and effect.* It’s literally how everything in our entire universe works.

The civil unrest is a byproduct of the failures of late-stage capitalism; the result, not the cause.

The weather events are a byproduct of climate change, which scientists have been warning us about since the 1870s, only to fall on the deaf ears of greedy opportunists.

Our treading deeper into fascism is the byproduct of electing a fascist in 2016, who was only elected as the result of decades of railroading and policy failure by both parties.

The police brutality is the byproduct of classism and systemic racism that has been around since this country’s inception.

The stupidity and ignorance is the byproduct of underfunding education for decades, and the refusal of television and social media companies to implement any major stopgaps for misinformation and misleading propaganda. Nefarious people benefit from a dumbed down and confused populace.

The paranoia about “socialism” is the byproduct of the aforementioned subversion of education and media literacy as well as post-9/11 xenophobia, McCarthyism, Reaganism and the lie about “the shining city on a hill.”

I understand this is all very overwhelming, but it helps to remember that there are actual, real-world reasons these things are happening. Don’t lose your mind and/or spiral down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole to rationalize it all with false, nonsensical, convenient, feel-good solutions. Everything is happening for a reason, and I mean that in the most literal and least metaphysical way possible.

Stay focused, stay sane, maintain your principles, and be ready for things to get way worse, because they absolutely will. We are heading into the most dangerous years of our lives. There’s no time left to despair. Keep your head up. We will get through this if we all put in the effort.

Originally shared by Cheston Neilson; copied and reposted a whole bunch of times by friends of friends - because that's how social media works.

our doomed future, politics, repug dooshcanooz, capitalism

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