Jul 14, 2021 12:00
- Tue, 17:23: Is This the End of Forests As We've Known Them? https://t.co/s4d6imzv7Q via @ Pocket
- Tue, 22:59: A Decade of Music Is Lost on Your iPod. These Are The Deleted Years. Now Let Us Praise Them. https://t.co/BHoBE4fHT0 via @ Pocket
- Tue, 23:00: RT @ davidsirota: Where are the “pay fors” for the Pentagon budget? Asking for millions of people facing climate death.
- Tue, 23:00: RT @ Impolitics: In Arizona, a Republican has been indicted for casting her mother’s ballot in the 2020 election. Adding to the awkwardness…
- Tue, 23:00: RT @ acnewsitics: When I feel blue sometimes I tell myself at least I'm not Ted Cruz. What a sack of shit that guy is.
- Tue, 23:00: RT @ HNTurtledove: Kill off your own people as fast as you can. https://t.co/Tr0tlmu8Hz
- Wed, 10:59: RT @ johnrobb: The rules: Suppress ideas/people considered threats or counter-narrative (this gets broader and more expansive with time)…
- Wed, 11:00: RT @ rudepundit: This is government-sponsored intent to harm people. https://t.co/gfQKQFYdGx
- Wed, 11:30: How the French Revolution Is Inspiring Those Anti-capitalist Memes https://t.co/qAXo1vANxR via @ TeenVogue
- Wed, 11:30: RT @ HillcrestCardCo: Covid cases are going up but when I stop by a store or a post office I'm usually one of the only people wearing a mask…
- Wed, 11:30: RT @ SarahGarlits: Mad max meow https://t.co/dlnpaZu8uW
- Wed, 11:30: RT @ TweetyMctwat: Democrats: We are the party of voting rights! Democrats: Sues the Green Party off ballot in key swing states. Democrats…
- Wed, 11:31: RT @ davidsirota: the last national election James Carville won was 30 years ago, and the president he elected used his mandate to deregulat…
- Wed, 11:31: RT @ johnrobb: The societal effect of the Pandemic. https://t.co/QvHWplGAPo
- Wed, 11:31: RT @ MarkJacob16: Fascists need enemies. If they don't have enough, they invent them. https://t.co/P1eqTKhfp4
- Wed, 11:31: RT @ SarahGarlits: Charging my phone and some other stuff. Can't sleep, make art. As in Smut art? SMART? Wait, that's taken...
- Wed, 11:32: RT @ CREWcrew: Some questions we'd love answers to: - Why hasn't Janet Yellen released Trump's tax returns to Congress? - Why does Louis D…
- Wed, 11:32: RT @ cstross: Typical office selfie scene https://t.co/ddonUFl81h
- Wed, 11:32: RT @ WalkerBragman: Remember: Democrats don't need a single Republican vote to pass their agenda.
- Wed, 11:32: RT @ kazweida: Fess up. Who fucked up the moon. https://t.co/8pB0zFkh1s