Jul 11, 2021 12:00
- Sat, 12:20: Black Cats Rule! https://t.co/gXijVCoZAI via @ YahooNews
- Sat, 12:20: RT @ SarahGarlits: Fuck being approachable. https://t.co/hE0nrBl1eU
- Sat, 12:20: RT @ RBReich: Call me crazy Lefty, but I don’t think a handful of corporations should be able to crush new competitors, set wages, and buy o…
- Sat, 12:20: RT @ Impolitics: Contrary to what his critics say, Senator Manchin would never bring a knife to a gun fight. No, Joe would bring a gun - t…
- Sat, 12:21: RT @ MarkJacob16: CNN’s Smerconish says Democrats need to avoid “giving fodder to Fox.” As if Fox needs fodder when it invents controversies…
- Sat, 12:21: RT @ davidsirota: there’s something discordant about presidents helping corporate America pillage the entire planet and then they retire to…
- Sat, 12:21: RT @ RevoltPolitic: Barack Obama told us "yes, we can" and then we didn't. He didn't. Barack Obama is a sellout. A smooth-talking tool of t…
- Sat, 12:21: RT @ acnewsitics: Uh oh!! Biden just came to my door and took my gun and my bible!!!!
- Sat, 12:21: RT @ AnnaWag43215637: @ acnewsitics When they searched my house and found no gun and no bible, they gave these cool stickers https://t.co/poo…
- Sat, 12:22: RT @ rumanddiabetes: @ acnewsitics He came to my door but I showed him my Vax Card and my Antifa Membership Card. He gave me a soup cannon a…
- Sat, 12:24: RT @ TheRealNebris: We would have all been better off if #DylannRoof had been Feminized early in his life. #MandatoryFeminization http://t.c…
- Sat, 13:28: Now he's all fucking apologetic, the Racist asshole. https://t.co/C6V0IRhSxF
- Sat, 13:28: RT @ Thom_Hartmann: This is a BFD that Bernie and others have been calling for *loudly* for about 20 years. Good one, @ POTUS! https://t.co/v…
- Sat, 13:28: RT @ BettyBowers: "We're here to tell government that we don't want your benefits." -Person whose paycheck & free health care comes from go…
- Sat, 13:29: RT @ aking4democracy: @ Acyn Why did she accumulate $20,000 worth of leins for eight years of nonpayment on unemployment insurance? How did…
- Sat, 13:29: RT @ BeSeriousUSA: @ Acyn Wait….didn’t @ laurenboebert mom raise her on welfare?
- Sat, 13:29: RT @ tomcrosby2: @ Acyn https://t.co/CugItiuyoG
- Sat, 13:29: RT @ PeterNicoll11: @ Acyn Oh god yes - play this snippet on every TV in MO, KY, MS, AL and all the other states whose citizens get more from…
- Sat, 13:30: Yeah, yeah, they cheer...but they cash the fucking cheques when they show up. Trash...and you know what kind. https://t.co/53oBTJPbnA
- Sat, 13:31: RT @ MerrillLynched: @ Acyn Dear Louisiana, next hurricane please don’t ask for federal assistance. Just call Lauren Boebert.
- Sat, 13:31: RT @ NYCdisinterest: @ Acyn https://t.co/ZlWZ7Z3vXs
- Sat, 13:31: RT @ __Arthur_Dent__: @ Acyn A highly paid government official, with no apparent duties to earn her high government salary (and healthcare an…
- Sat, 13:32: RT @ RealBristolNews: @ Acyn @ laurenboebert Remember to put 'Do Not Resuscitate' on your medical card as you don't need any help from anyone…
- Sat, 13:32: RT @ dogmama11: @ RealBristolNews @ Acyn @ laurenboebert Her local hospital is buckling from the enormous number of COVID cases and the lack of…
- Sat, 13:32: RT @ emzorbit: @ Acyn Let’s check on Boebert’s district, shall we? https://t.co/h2QNFn9Uzt
- Sun, 08:42: These people are psychopaths.. https://t.co/cyIakotscD via @ YahooNews
- Sun, 08:45: RT @ aking4democracy: @ GT45452 @ bob37937859 @ seanhannity He’s the only President is United States history to lose the popular vote *twice* g…
- Sun, 08:45: RT @ aking4democracy: CPAC ended 7pm Dallas time lol https://t.co/cazr7sFBUz
- Sun, 08:46: RT @ SquawkCNBC: BREAKING: W.H. is rolling out an expansive Executive Order targeting corporate consolidations "This is not just about mono…
- Sun, 08:46: RT @ aking4democracy: DoJ has contracted a firm to organize thousands of hrs of body cam & surveillance footage, a million social media vide…
- Sun, 08:47: RT @ MacFarlaneNews: Judge has ruled Michael Foy of Michigan can be released to home detention in Jan 6 case Foy's accused of beating polic…
- Sun, 08:47: RT @ FoxReports: Speaker's office refers to Donald Trump as "twice-impeached Florida retiree" https://t.co/x1LJlakyZ5
- Sun, 09:09: Albertsons ignored safety issues before fiery I-84 crash that killed airmen, families say https://t.co/0S9lhdWJ27 via @ YahooNews
- Sun, 09:13: The Creepy Trend That Sparked a Highway Standoff With a Black Militia https://t.co/fReuYdqFOL via @ YahooNews
- Sun, 09:14: RT @ TheTweetOfGod: Rats: Sinking ship :: Billionaires : Earth.
- Sun, 09:14: RT @ davidsirota: What stage of capitalism is it when workers’ retirement savings are being fleeced, enriching billionaires and actively cre…
- Sun, 09:14: RT @ theintercept: The Pentagon estimates that roughly 20,500 service members experience sexual assault each year, according to the latest P…
- Sun, 09:16: RT @ HitlerPuncher: Facebook sucks so hard. I made a post condemning Nazis that included a screencapped thread about how someone was a fucki…
- Sun, 11:00: The Cock is The Cock. Non-white Males are just as fucked up as White Males. They just don’t usually have the power to be able to demonstrate such.
- Sun, 11:01: RT @ SarahGarlits: Yes, you are weird. Humans are weird. Yes, all of us. Unless you are AI, then yes, you are weird, too.
- Sun, 11:01: RT @ AngelaBelcamino: Sarah Palin and Lauren Boebert are both trending cuz they are competing for biggest idiot. Who wins?
- Sun, 11:01: RT @ davidsirota: I don’t have live TV, am feeling deeply thankful that I missed today’s entire “Richard Branson Is John Glenn” narrative th…
- Sun, 11:01: RT @ RBReich: Top 1% of Americans now own 15 times more wealth than the bottom 50% combined. Trickle-down economics is a cruel hoax designe…
- Sun, 11:04: The Rich know that we can no longer stop Accelerating Climate Change and they are working hard to survive it. Orbit is one place to do so. The rest of us? Well, they're like "Shit happens." https://t.co/RbKUPS2XZZ
- Sun, 11:16: RT @ johnrobb: The biggest financial decision of their lives. Zero disclosure on what the degree is worth in the job market. Nothing even…
- Sun, 11:16: RT @ meh130: @ johnrobb An MFA in Film from Columbia is the difference between being a barista at a Starbucks in Los Angeles and being a wait…
- Sun, 11:16: RT @ HJYouga: @ johnrobb Guess which current US president lobbied against allowing student debt to be dischargeable during bankruptcy.
- Sun, 11:17: RT @ CharlesMBlow: This is all so ridiculous. https://t.co/ln0xLc5O9V
- Sun, 11:17: RT @ LegallyLove: @ CharlesMBlow Arizonans here. I’d also like to note that on the same day, he signed a bill requiring schools to teach the…
- Sun, 11:17: RT @ 1tamec: @ CharlesMBlow These people don’t even know what The Critical Race Theory is. All they know is that the words critical and race…
- Sun, 11:18: RT @ rudepundit: Even then, we'd at least say, "Sure, Jacksonville's a shithole, but you gotta go there for this one barbecue joint." https:…