Jul 02, 2021 12:00
- Fri, 01:46: RT @ MarkJacob16: Disappointed to learn how many people were only pretending to love American democracy and really wanted a Taliban-style wh…
- Fri, 01:46: RT @ TweetyMctwat: If you think Nancy Pelosi represents you, you are either very confused or you own a vineyard.
- Fri, 01:46: RT @ CREWcrew: A lot going on. Just wanted to make sure you knew we found another Big Lie politician @ Toyota funded after the insurrection.…
- Fri, 01:46: RT @ MarkJacob16: When Republicans say the nation doesn't need to know who was behind the Jan. 6 insurrection, it's because they already kno…
- Fri, 01:47: RT @ HNTurtledove: Here’s an old guy with a cat on him. Ford hardly ever gets up on anybody, and only stayed maybe 30 seconds. My daughter g…
- Fri, 01:47: RT @ TweetyMctwat: Absolutely perfect time to shoot fireworks all across the country. https://t.co/iwRt6rTYSC
- Fri, 01:47: RT @ archillect: https://t.co/vgJ4dNs14S
- Fri, 02:14: Texas state history museum abruptly cancels speech by authors of new book on the Alamo https://t.co/5pSBmypCBq via @ YahooNews
- Fri, 07:12: 'Sobering' and 'shameful': Deadly scope of Northwest heat wave becomes clear https://t.co/0TFcOCYpnA
- Fri, 07:13: RT @ TweetyMctwat: Joe Biden is a racist old man that owes you at least $600.
- Fri, 07:13: RT @ WeAreTheDead: Flight Sergeant Robert Learmonth Melville (Royal Canadian Air Force). Nov. 17, 1944.
- Fri, 07:13: RT @ NoLieWithBTC: Republicans complaining that the January 6 select committee is "not bipartisan enough" after voting against the actual bi…
- Fri, 07:14: RT @ mahmoudkenny98: I just woke up 2 hours ago drowned in my sweat just to find out the whole electric grid in Iraq has shut down for unkno…
- Fri, 07:14: RT @ SafetyPinDaily: Rumsfeld's much-vaunted 'courage' was a smokescreen for lies, crime and death | By Richard Wolffe https://t.co/tAYaqcHS…
- Fri, 07:14: RT @ WWIIpix: This day in 1945, American submarine USS Barb fired rockets on Kaihyo Island near Sakhalin, becoming the first underwater craf…
- Fri, 07:14: RT @ CREWcrew: Here's something interesting: there's a bit of a delay between political donations and disclosure, so we don't actually know…
- Fri, 07:15: RT @ xghostnotesx: We were given a paradise; the Garden of Eden; and we squandered it. Welcome to hell, folks. https://t.co/hAK0CqxNFd
- Fri, 07:15: RT @ nytimes: A California woman who falsely accused a Black teenager of stealing her phone and then attacked him at a New York City hotel w…
- Fri, 07:16: RT @ bornwithatail_: Kurt Vonnegut: "During the Vietnam War, every respectable artist in this country was against the war. It was like a las…
- Fri, 07:16: RT @ parismarx: Tech billionaires like Elon Musk want you to believe this is outdated tech and instead we keep driving cars until the day Hy…
- Fri, 07:16: RT @ BelarusMiniInfo: Nihilist culture is thought to have existed for thousands of years, though many nihilists themselves do not believe it…
- Fri, 07:17: RT @ ResisterSis20: Today is a very bad day for Trump. The #TrumpOrganization is indicted on 15 felony counts. Liz Cheney will serve on the…
- Fri, 07:18: RT @ detachment_red: still is hilarious how liberal feminism both created and then completely devoured the Me Too movement https://t.co/tv4n…
- Fri, 07:19: RT @ thehill: Kagan rips conservative colleagues in blistering 41-page dissent, accuses them of ignoring the legislative intent of the 1965…
- Fri, 07:20: RT @ brianklaas: Today's news in American democracy: Unelected court appointed for life by president who won fewer votes than his opponent a…
- Fri, 07:20: RT @ Dadsaysjokes: I’ve asked so many people what LGBTQ stands for. So far no one has given me a straight answer.
- Fri, 07:21: RT @ AdamSerwer: You’re never gonna be right every time but sometimes you nail it. From 2013. https://t.co/aAXhhJU9P4
- Fri, 07:22: RT @ svershbow: I love a social media job listing that requires 15 years of experience. So, you want Tom from MySpace?