Nebs Sez

Oct 29, 2020 02:17

~I voted for Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004...and then I just stopped. That was Obama. He was being marketed as a ‘Liberal Superman’, but I looked at his actual voting record and saw a ‘moderate Republican’ least what one would call such ‘back in day’. Now we call them Neo-Liberals or Corporatists. ‘Moderates’ no longer exist in the GOP.

I tried to vote for Obama, but simply could not. I had a full blown meltdown outside our local polling station. I lost some LJ friends because of that. But in the end, my 'crisis of conscience' proved correct. Obama was The Drone Strike President, The Deporter In Chief, lied about the Public Option and abandoned the American lower Middle Class.

So I didn't vote in 2008 or 2012. I did get out and vote Bernie in the California primary in both 2016 and 2020, but I stayed home in the General of 2016. Hillary was/is even worse than Obama, which is pretty much why she was beaten by an obvious conman like Trump.

Right now, I'm about to take our mail in ballots to the local drop box. The old lady filled hers in days ago, but I didn't until yesterday afternoon. (it's 2am as I type this) I could not bring myself to vote for Biden. Made me sick to even think about it.

Instead, I wrote in Bernard Sanders. That felt good, even tho it is purely symbolic. I lay down afterward and slept a solid twelve hours.

As California is polling for Biden at 69.7%, y'all can take your "But You're Voting For Trump!" noise and fucking shove it up way your fucking stupid ass. I voted my conscience and you can eat shit.

...and there is is.

our doomed future, politics, bernie or bust

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