My tweets

Oct 10, 2020 12:00

  • Sat, 07:07: we're up to our asses in 'dangerous precedent' at this point...the mask is off
  • Sat, 07:08: RT @ WWIIpix: American soldiers sharing cigarettes to residents of Arzew, Algeria, during Allied operation Torch, November 1942. #WW2 https:…
  • Sat, 07:08: RT @ JuliusGoat: If I spread misinformation about an election I would get my account suspended permanently.
  • Sat, 07:09: RT @ WyrdOfWard: Since finding out I have a half sister through 23andMe, every time I get one of these emails I have to take a moment and as…
  • Sat, 07:09: RT @ calidreamer47: Health officials in Virginia are warning about venomous caterpillars that look like toupées via…
  • Sat, 07:09: RT @ misstessowen: Just overheard a very sad inner monologue from a man in the grocery store, standing in front of the ice cream section, wh…
  • Sat, 07:10: RT @ ReneDenfeld: I've worked these kind of cases. It isn't economics that create white supremacist terrorists. It is racism. The fact these…
  • Sat, 09:16: Flashback to the toilet paper panic of Spring 2020. via @ YouTube
  • Sat, 09:16: RT @ AoDespair: There are good people on both sides in Charlottesville and Proud Boys standing by and brown children pulled from mother’s in…
  • Sat, 09:16: RT @ davidsirota: It is very good that Republicans will likely lose their Senate majority. It’s not good that primaries long ago guaranteed…
  • Sat, 09:39: RT @ WyrdOfWard: If you are too busy self-flagellating then you do not have room to cultivate self-compassion. But self-compassion is the an…
  • Sat, 09:39: RT @ WyrdOfWard: Self-compassion is not something that is readily practiced by American Evangelicals. We are told that self-care, self-love,…
  • Sat, 09:39: RT @ WyrdOfWard: "re-living trauma and attempting to update hotspots without the development of an alternative feeling to end the shame stat…
  • Sat, 09:39: RT @ WyrdOfWard: Who else has often a lot of shame? Ex-Christians/ex-evangelicals...therefore if you are an ex-evangelical with a history of…
  • Sat, 09:39: RT @ WyrdOfWard: Oh my god I am having major lightbulb moments! I’m am doing a lit review around the effectiveness of CBT in survivors of S…
  • Sat, 09:39: RT @ APWUnational: The American Postal Workers Union pushed plant management to restore the machine to help deliver election-related mail pr…
  • Sat, 09:40: #PresidentDeath
  • Sat, 09:40: RT @ propublica: When the then-energy secretary accidentally helped lead the president into impeachment, he was simultaneously trying to hel…
  • Sat, 09:45: I support #BasicIncome over #Reperations because it is better for the overall economy, is not racially divisive and the cash will actually get into people's hands. We all know #Reperations will get siphoned off into some bullshit 'community program' scams.
  • Sat, 09:45: RT @ ParkerMolloy: She really, really should not be added to SCOTUS...
  • Sat, 10:00: RT @ RevoltPolitic: Lindsey Graham makes a more compelling argument to vote for Senate Democrats than any of the Senate Democrats have. http…
  • Sat, 10:00: RT @ vexedinthecity: Rick Snyder poisoned the entire water system in Flint and it never once crossed Black folks mind to kidnap him.
  • Sat, 10:01: RT @ JuliusGoat: The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards hilarious.
  • Sat, 10:02: RT @ batnib: In North Carolina 4x as many Black voter ballots are being rejected as white voter ballots. the turnout is huge but can be unde…
  • Sat, 10:03: RT @ business: Ontario is forcing businesses to close or reduce operations in three major cities after Covid-19 cases hit a record high on t…
  • Sat, 10:03: RT @ parisreview: “Meter is as natural as breathing or the heartbeat. I think my childhood asthma had a lot to do with my consciousness of t…
  • Sat, 10:03: RT @ JStein_WaPo: The deal Congress may reject would give: - $400/week to +20 million unemployed - $4,400 to tens of millions of families,…
  • Sat, 10:04: RT @ WW2Facts: U.S. Army Major General J. Lawton Collins and Major Charles Davis at New Georgia, Solomon Islands, on August 14, 1943. #Hist
  • Sat, 10:04: RT @ SmithsonianMag: “A homeless person is a human being just like everybody else is,” says Joni Metcalf. #WorldHomelessDay
  • Sat, 10:06: RT @ CREWcrew: Misusing the federal government to help keep the president in power seriously undermines democracy, which is why Secretary of…

twitter, #hist, #friendshipgoals, #blexit, #trump, #freerealitywinnernow, #ww2, #hauntingofbl, #basicincome, #trumpyswampy, #reperations, #hurricanedelta, #presidentdeath, #worldhomelessday, #history, #civilwar, #thehauntingofblymanor, #wwii, #covid19

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