Her Prophet Says Things...

May 26, 2020 17:05

~Back in 1996, Memorial Day fell on the 27th. That's the day I went to see The Craft and got started upon this Path in earnest. That's twenty four years ago.

And I must confess at this point I'm not so much out of Faith as I am simply burnt out and quite hopeless.

My young High Priestess, for whom I had so much hope, is struggling with her own issues, many of them Past Life related. Maybe one day she'll heal enough to take up the Mantle of Leadership, but I suspect that is years and years in the future.

My original High Priestess, for whom I had tailor made said position, is not in the least interested in taking up that Mantle either. I understand, but it breaks my heart.

And now, with La Rona, the whole idea of The Sisterhood appears to be totally unworkable. How does one create a close knit community in an age where closeness can bring death?

I put down work on the Liber months ago and started working on my sci-fi novel. That has kept me from totally crashing into a deep depression. These days, I'm just sad. So much work and now it seems all for naught...

her prophet speaks, the temple, the sisterhood, the explanation, liber sorores

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