Thu, 22:44: keep alcohol based hand sanitizer in the glove compartment. Best thing to do is wash your hands whenever a lost, es…
Fri, 11:15: RT @ chrislhayes: Then those workers went out into the public with no monitoring or testing regime in place. And now the first US-contracte…
Fri, 11:17: RT @ JuddLegum: Coronavirus exposes all of Trump’s biggest weaknesses: 1. Incompetence 2. Rejection of scientific facts 3. Distrust of ex…
Fri, 11:17: RT @ AOC: Sen. Cruz, while I understand you judge people’s intelligence by the lowest income they’ve had, I hold awards from MIT Lincoln Lab…
Fri, 11:17: RT @ johnrobb: "Masks don't work" is Darwin in action. Just get out of their way and let nature take its course.
Fri, 11:17: RT @ BadJohnBrown: Mike Bloomberg is willing to pay 1 million dollars to the family of each super delegate in exchange for their support & v…