~First, the term 'useless' is not meant to be an insult, but a literal description, Beta Males for whom society and its economy really have no use. Of course, it is actually far worse than a insult; it is a term of existential annihilation. And regardless of their degree of education or intelligence, most of these Useless Beta Males are aware of that on some level.
Not all that long ago there was a series of uses for these men. There were jobs in factories, work in the fields, and wars to fight and die in. But Modern Technological Civilization has reduced that need drastically and now there are tens of millions of mostly young males for whom said civilization has almost zero use and will likely never have one again.
Automation has replaced them in the factories and the fields and even the militaries of the largest nation states are much smaller than they once were. This is a trend that will continue apace.
As I said, these Useless Beta Males understand that somewhere and that scares them. Most of them will never have even marginal employment and because of that they will will find it almost impossible to find a mate and reproduce...and that is where the real trouble starts.
Reproduction is where Males achieve Immortality, by passing their genes on to the next generation. Most would not think of it in that fashion, but it is programmed by evolution into the reptile portion of our brains.
And that is what I mean by ' existential annihilation'. Faced with the above, these Males 'know' on a fundamental inchoate level that they are utterly doomed. That generates an unthinking terror, which all too often turns into a blind unthinking rage. Such emotions require an outlet. That leads to alcoholism, drug addition and suicide.
But it also leads to Terrorism, Mass Shooting, Rape...and Men's Rights Activism, which is merely a sophistic justification for the latter behaviors. I included MRA as a kind of joke, but its underpinnings are genuinely dangerous in that it IS a 'social and political justification' for Beta Males to act out violently against Women.
When we are dealing with such basic biologically hard wired instinct, social engineering and legislation are largely ineffective. Gun Control and 'Don't Rape' campaigns are not only ineffective, but generate anger at those they are primarily aimed at; those legions of Useless Beta Males. These things tell them 'we don't trust you' [we don't] and to 'sit down and be good boys' [they can't]. In essence, they are dismissive and that only fires the Useless Beta Male's fear and rage.
So what is the solution? Given the nature of our Modern Technological Civilization, there is none. We really have no realistic ways to make them 'useful' again. It is no longer socially or politically possible to cull these Useless Beta Males. And logistically I'm not sure it would even be possible to actually kill off tens of millions of mostly young males - they'd fight back, you know - though that would provide employment for a few million of them in the process.
No, we're just going to have to ride this out until 'organic processes' - the aforementioned addictions and violence - cull them over the long run, inefficient as that may be.
That said, in time The Sisterhood will have use for some of them, to wit: "Based upon past experience with the BDSM community, it is fairly clear that a goodly number of Beta Males will seek to submit to Sisters within the context of
Gynofascism. Once inside The Sisterhood, Beta Males will fall into three general categories;
One, those who are Collared and left physically 'intact'. They will be In Service as The Sisterhood requires, each depending upon their particular skills and talents. This would include physical labor in the actual building of Sororal facilities, going out into the wider world to earn money to help fund The Sisterhood and as Pleasure Servers for those Sisters who still desire The Cock.
Two, those who are Collared and Feminized. These would not necessarily be TG/MtF's as much as males who wish to more strongly identify with The Sisterhood by becoming proto-females. The Feminization of young Beta Males is a crucial step on the path to the New Matriarchy. This will begin with Transvestism and proceed through implants and hormone treatment, but stop short of sexual reassignment surgery. Therefore they are *not* women [e.g. Sisters], but only Feminized Males. They too will also be In Service as The Sisterhood requires, though it is expected their particular skills and talents would be utilized by our Domme Sisters in 'fishing' operations for valuable Alpha Males.
Three, those who are Collared and castrated. There is a small sub-set of deep submissives who desire this outcome in order to become desexualized. This would be done surgically and would be either partial [just the testes] or complete, depending upon the desires of the individual. They too will also be In Service as The Sisterhood requires, each depending upon their particular skills and talents, as stated above. It is expected that their Service will tend to be more 'extreme'.
These Collared Beta Males will be granted the title Korettes [koor-et-teez]. This title comes from the ancient Greek Goddess Koré, sometimes known as Persephone, Goddess of The Underworld e.g. a Death Goddess. By 'taking The Collar', these males are now dead to their old lives. Koré is also a Triple Goddess, Her Three Aspects being Persephone [maiden], Demeter [mother], Hecate [crone]. Korettes is an ancient term itself, translating both as "Sons of Koré" and "Male Servants of Koré".
All Beta Males outside of this paradigm will considered redundant and disposable."
As ever, more shall be Revealed....