Nebs Sez

Aug 29, 2015 21:04

"I have been debating Gun Rights for around thirty years now and one thing has been made very clear to me. Like the core of the 'Pro-Life' movement are fanatic Forced Birthers, the core of of the Gun Control movement are fanatic Gun Eliminationists. Both are pathological and hysterical control freaks driven to impose their world view on the rest of society by whatever means necessary. That includes lying and emotionally manipulating public opinion. Neither are to be trusted. Ever.

Most of the Gun Deaths in this country are the result of the unraveling of our Economic and Social fabric. More 'control' will *not* stop them. In fact, that makes things worse by driving rural voters further and further into the clutches of the Right Wing.

Some say guns should be licensed etc like cars. But Guns are *not* cars. Guns are meant as the last best defense of the Citizen against Govt. *That* is The Fundamental Difference. I know that sounds 'paranoid', but take a look at what has happened in this country in the past fifteen years. Imagine if someone had laid those events out for you back in the summer of 2000. You'd called them 'paranoid', too.

There have been little 'bubbling's here and there about the Bush Administration's [in other words, Dick Cheney] drawing up plans for Martial Law. Given what we know about them, such is not really all that far fetched. But the gentlemen at The Pentagon said, “No way. Americans have too many guns. We'd drown in our own blood.”

And that is why I'm a Hard Left supporter of Gun Rights."

nebs sez guns, guns: the other pro-choice issue

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