Nebs Sez

Jun 09, 2015 03:53

"I'm a sixty three year old White Male raised Upper Middle Class in NYC. Racism is culturally cooked into my psyche and will remain there until the day I die. The best I can do about that is to be aware of it and not allow it to run me.

Part of such is not to go to the other extreme and submit to White Guilt. That leads to internalizing the worldview that White folks can *only* do evil and that all non-Whites are 'saints'. That is simply a inverted form of Racism and leads to all manner of sociocultural mischief. That's why I dislike the term 'Person of Color'. It maintains separation and reenforces the idea that Whites are a special class of humans.

Besides, I personally have plenty of better reasons to hate myself than some cultural construct for a imaginary state of being. While 'Racism' certainly does exist, 'Race' does not. Black America is living proof of both statements. [see 'Red Bone', 'High Yellow', 'Quadroon', 'Quintroon', 'Octoroon', 'Mulatto']

We Humans are flawed creatures and if one truly believes in equality, one will allow oneself to see both the Good and Evil in each of them as one encounters them. And trust me, you *will* find both. We publicly laud our Goodness, but secretly love our Evil."

racism, our doomed present, nebs know these things, white privilege

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