
Jan 08, 2014 06:04

~Okay, now that I've done the Kitteh Nooz post, on to MY issues...

I'm cumulatively exhausted from all of this, both the short term shit - there was more fucking hammering on Monday - and long term - I've been tearing myself to pieces over Icarus since the middle of last July, with a steadily increasing intensity.

Now I have to...'decompress'. Started already a little bit, but I still oscillate between Black Depression and feeling like I've been physically beaten.

I've gotten some kind of scalp condition from the stress, one bad enough to for me to seriously think about shaving my head come Spring so topical remedies can be applied. Too fucking cold for that right now.

And if do not get my rotten teeth pulled, I have little doubt that they'll kill me.

The general consensus is that I'm a fucking mess...

nebs says fuck, nebs is a mess

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