Tue, 01:33: Unmanned craft is set to launch from carrier Bush http://t.co/DBTIfkhDIw -- Unmanned craft is set to launch from carrier Bush
Tue, 01:37: RT @ mistressmatisse: "Anti-prostitution drives are useless in terms of controlling the industry, but they lead to a spike in abuses" says H…
Tue, 01:37: RT @ bmagnanti: .@ Korhomme I do need a new pressure cooker but in this day and age...don't want the village copper coming round just cos I'm…
Tue, 09:33: RT @ JosephScrimshaw: Maybe don't just stare at the abyss. Talk to it. Hug it. Rub the abyss' feet. You get out what you put in. #DailyAffir…
Tue, 09:36: RT @ MissObdurate: What is the most dignified breakfast in this 7-11? I will have that, and also some mini donuts and a slurpee please.
Tue, 10:26: RT @ the2scoops: OK everyone, so the plan is when Commander Hadfield lands, we'll all be wearing ape masks.
Tue, 10:54: RT @ drunkenpredator: oh look at meee, I'm the X-47B, I have the radar cross-section of a Canada goose and everybody throws a party when I f…