Note To Trolls:

Apr 27, 2012 01:55

~If you post it Friends Only, you lose.

"I'm always amused by people who seem to have so little else going on in their lives, they have to amuse themselves by fixating on others." first post here [Note: 'amuse /amused' Poor word usage/redundant]

I just watch my visitors actually. And myrrhmade visits me roughly once a week, though during our recent Housing Issues, she's been dropping by nearly every day, mostly to gloat I expect.

She never mentions that she - and a half dozen others I called The Moist Trollettes - originally followed Le-Le from UseNet over seven years ago to harass her on LJ. [see above quote re 'fixating on others'] They switched their attentions to me soon after.

Ivory, her IRL name, likes to think of herself as 'open minded' and 'liberal'. But she is really what Billy Burroughs called 'a pursed lipped guardian of small town middle class morality', always sticking her nose in other people's business as she does not have an original thought in her head and because such things frighten her.

She is of this type: "They demonstrate why what little there is of The Left in this country is so utterly impotent, all speech and thought hemmed in by 'trigger warnings' and 'taboo subjects', crippling any truly paradigm breaking concepts with a Bourgeois Academic rigidity that is derived from old fashioned middle class morality with its need to 'be nice', make everything 'comfortable' and always 'look good', yet pretending to be Free Thinking. That is the most vile type of conformity." quoting myself from Goddess Fuck, I Hate These Types!

She tosses around those 'trigger words' with little idea of what she is talking about, like using 'misogynistic' on the 'nebris' second link above. It could be labeled 'racist', but the only mention of women is that Black Evangelicals tend to vote 'anti-women'.

She once called me racist for posting this YouTube, a frank celebration of Japanese nationalism I titled Tenno Banzai! ["Long Live The Emperor!"]. 'Militaristic'? Certainly. 'Fascistic'? You betcha. But 'racist'? No, not even close, again demonstrating that she uses these words to 'be part of', but has no real understanding of their application.

Ivory is now The Last Troll Standing. A few still come and go, but she is the only one who keeps at it. Sad really. She has a good life: a nice house with a garden, a mate she is happy with, a pair of goofy doggies and a seeming joy in cooking. But obviously 'something is missing'. I suspect she doesn't really believe it, that her core is empty. *shrug* Not my problem though.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but the above has sated my need to rant.

trolls, nebris will never leave dar intrawebz

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