The Kalends what we call the 1st of each month. It is always a Eponaday, always a First Day, always a Beginning.
The Kalends of Primaria is different from the other Kalends. It is the First of the First of the First, first day of the first week of the first month of the new year. Upon The Kalends of Primaria we formally lay out the plans and goals of the coming year and dedicate ourselves to their completion in The Name of The Goddess in all of Her Aspects.
On this day we Invoke Primaria, Goddess of The First Month of The Year, and ask Her to Guide us and Protect us through all of Her Thirty Days. Blessed Be...
"The concept behind making each month a Goddess in Her own right comes from something E says in Part Two “The Temple's Metaphysics”: "By focusing individual or collective Will upon a specific Aspect of The Creatrix, meaning a specifically Named Goddess - such as Astarte, Kali, or, Bride - a Tulpa may be invoked out of The Creatrix, a part of Her that can be understood and related to, and therefor directed."
The idea here being to Invoke each Monthly Goddess at the beginning of of Her Thirty Days, asking for Her Guidance and Protection during Her Time. To facilitate this, we are reintroducing another Roman convention, The Kalend, Latin for 'announcing' or 'calling' and the basis for the word Calendar, as the first day of each month. Upon the arrival of The Kalend we are reminded to make the above Invocation.
These are new Goddesses and as yet Un-Manifested. Therefore, now as I write these words upon this page, I Invoke them and call then into Being.
By reading their Names, you my Sisters, also Invoke them. And as Common Usage becomes Established Tradition, the Nature and Traits of each Goddess shall make themselves apparent and become fully Manifest. Through this process, we shall Serve them and they shall Serve us, which is ever the proper relationship between Humans and their Deities."
Addendum D [Calendar for A New Matriarchy]