Oct 16, 2011 08:46

Adam Curtis | 13:36 UK time, Thursday, 7 July 2011

Ever since I read the early part of Sharon Osbourne's autobiography I have wanted to make a film about the wonderful, odd culture of the British music industry. She writes vividly about her father who was a legendary music promoter called Don Arden - and the world she describes is a mixture of "Entrepreneur spelt S.P.I.V.", British music hall and even pantomime.

It is a culture that is often obscured by the waves of Americanization that Britain goes through - but it persists. And since the most recent wave of Americanization seems to be receding - and people are now becoming interested in how modern Britain links to its more distant past - I thought I would put up some extracts from films that show that odd Britishness peeking out every now and then in the music industry.

I was going to start with three films that approach this subject from very different perspectives.:

adam curtis, the hologram

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