~To many of you what will be presented in these pages will seem like madness. Often, it seems like madness to me, as well. And yet....when I am quiet and calm and centered it all unfolds perfectly and makes complete sense.
Madness, of course, is very frequently a socially subjective state of being. What is considered insane in one culture or epoch can seem rather run of the mill in another time and place. But, no matter the time or place, to lay out a plan that takes contemporary society and turns it upside down and inside out is a form of madness simply by virtue of the ambition of the thing, and whether it is a workable plan or not.
But that is in fact what is being presented in the pages that follow, so I suppose that makes me a madman. I accept the title with alacrity.
Like so many things of this nature, The Pentavalent was born from a place of Despair and out of a journey through Fear. Along the way, my heart was broken many many times and my Spirit also pushed to the point of breaking more than a few times.
I believe I survived all that for a number of reasons. Innate personal fortitude. Awareness hard won from this life time [plus a few others]. And sheer bloody mindedness. But, for whatever the reasons, I 'remain to tell the tale'.
And an interesting tale it is, as yet unfinished and really just beginning. Some of you reading these words are going to be part of it, too.
Sound like a hustle? Well, every successful guru I personally have ever encountered was something of a con artist and a hustler. Humans seem to need a bit of razzle dazzle with their enlightenment. But sharing 'the con' is really the most effective part of this kind of hustle.
The killer component here is actually delivering on what has been presented as a 'hustle' while simultaneously showing those 'getting hustled' how to perpetuate that 'hustle' even further. That, my friends, is called a Movement.
So, let us begin....
Her Prophet Explains: "The Introduction"