"The 2/26 [2nd Battalion/26th Infantry Regiment], given the mission of clearing the densest part of the old city [of Aachen], conducted a methodical, specialized urban operation. Fortunately, Lt. Col. Daniel, the battalion commander, wrote a detailed account after the war of the methods employed.[20] His preparations began with a reconfiguration of his battalion that integrated the combat arms at the small unit level. Each rifle company became a task force.
In addition to the company's three organic rifle platoons and weapons platoon (light machine guns and 60mm mortars), Daniel added three tanks or tank destroyers, which the company then assigned down to the rifle platoons. The tanks, M4 Shermans, weighed approximately 35 tons and mounted general purpose 75mm main guns capable of firing armor-piercing, high explosive, and white phosphorus rounds. The tank destroyers were M10's, based upon the M4 tank, that mounted high-velocity 75mm guns highly valued for their ability to penetrate walls and fortifications.
It should be noted that the M4 and M10, both of which were about twenty feet long and nine feet wide, were small enough to maneuver even in the close confines of an urban environment.[21] Daniel further augmented each of the rifle companies with two 57mm antitank guns, drawn from the regimental antitank company, two bazooka teams, one flamethrower, and two heavy machine guns (water-cooled .30 caliber weapons capable of sustained fire).[22]
Each of the 2/26's companies was assigned a zone of advance, within which each platoon, with its accompanying tank or tank destroyer, was assigned a specific street to clear. Using the detailed maps at his disposal, Daniel set up a "measles system" in which all intersections and prominent buildings were numbered to speed up communication and ensure coordination among the battalion's elements.
Daniel further ordered that constant, positive liaison be maintained between adjacent units at all times. As units advanced, Daniel mandated stops at designated check points for the reestablishment of contact along the line. Offensive operations halted at nightfall along designated phase lines (major streets) to avoid the confusion and loss of observation inherent in night combat.[23]
Logistics posed a special set of problems for the 2/26. Anticipating high expenditures of ammunition, Daniel improvised a mobile battalion ammunition dump that could keep pace with the advancing companies.[24] To facilitate medical evacuation in the rubble-filled streets, Daniel obtained some M29 cargo carriers, known as "Weasels."[25] These versatile little vehicles were fully tracked and measured only 10.5 feet long and 5.5 feet wide, but could carry a payload of 1,200 pounds.[26]" [
~This is some of my homework for writing about The Anglo-American Imperium. I know a few of y'all will find it inneressin'.