September 7, 2008 -- Atlantic City

Sep 09, 2008 18:26

The man remembered when he would have not done this.

The man remembered when "that bastard kilt-wearing Vox assassin" didn't describe him.

The man remembered when he would have found another way. Found a means by which to obtain his goals, in passion and in fury. Found a way to sieze the situation by the throat and force it to submit.

The man sighed. But such was not the actions of the Wise. And with that, he walked into the room, nodded at Peace, and sat down across from the Hierarch of Anglesey.


The man turned to face the computer, a few days later.

It was time to see what had been reaped from the weekend's labors.


Following discussions between the affected parties and in light of new
evidence brought forward. It is my duty as Hierarch of the Consillium
of Anglesey to announce an alteration in our findings regarding the
actions of the Awakened Miriam and Felix Wordsworth.

Before I publish the announcement however, I should state that the
Council (and I) offer our most unreserved apologies to the two
individuals for our failure to initially discover the supernal truth
of the matter. Such actions are unbecoming of the heirs to a legacy as
long and honourable as ours, and as such, we resolve to undertake the
transfer of eight pawns of tass to Felix Wordsworth, and four pawns of
tass to Miriam (to be transferred through an individual she deems

I should also like to extend my personal thanks to Peace, Hierarch of
the South of England, for his personal role in the matter and
extending the hospitality of his Consillium.

The following judgement is recorded as an amendment and alteration to
the judgement of Anglesey, and as such forms legal precedent as judged
under the Lex Magica, and the accompanying Illumination should be
considered as law in all future judgements.

Sed lex, dura lex.
-Weatherman, Hierarch of Anglesey.
Vox Draconis, Stormkeeper.

Eye of the Animus Invictus.


Judgement by the Council of Anglesey, upon the Awakened Souls Miriam
and Felix Wordsworth, regarding the charges of resisting the legal
authority of the Consillium and judgement upon the Awakened Soul Felix
Wordsworth on the charge of knowingly aiding and abetting a servant of
the Exarchs, this day of the common era September the fifth, two
thousand and eight.

It is the judgement of the Council of Anglesey, by majority vote, that
the Awakened Miriam and Felix Wordsworth did legally submit themselves
to the authority of the Council, and that misunderstanding did lead to
the incorrect perception that they did resist arrest. The Council
hereby withdraws the charges, and the formal reprimand on both
individuals, all within the bounds of Anglesey are free to offer them

It is the judgement of the Council of Anglesey, by majority vote, that
the Awakened Felix Wordsworth did not knowingly aid or offer succour
to any acknowledged as a Seer within Anglesey during their actions as
such. The Council hereby removes the outstanding banishment levied
against Felix Wordsworth; our borders are open to him.

This is the law, and the law is supernal.

The Council of Anglesey
(Weatherman - Hierarch and Acanthus Councillor, August - Thyrsus
Councillor, JC - Moros Councillor)

The Illumination of Hierarch Weatherman, on the judgement of the Magus
Miriam and the Magus Felix Wordsworth, in the actions of Miriam
relating to her aide of the Exarchs.

The truth is a diamond, glittering and multifaceted, showing a
different face to everyone who looks at it, yet still perfect and
unchanging, in this, the truth is supernal.

Following much debate, a number of false starts and information given
in error, this Illumination is finally ready to be published. We do
not pretend that we are without fault in this matter - two false
judgements stand as proof of that, but it would be unwise in the
extreme to let such judgements stand as precedent for others.

Miriam stands accused of knowingly aiding the known Seer Dream Crafter
in his goals of destabilising the Consillium of Anglesey and of
actively acting as a Seer of the Throne on two occasions within our

I have listened to the whispers of the past and I have listened to
Miriam speak. While she may have chosen her actions in the honest
belief that they would aid another, and with the best intentions
within her heart to alter their path to one like her own, her actions
stand for themselves. She admitted membership to the Seers of the
Throne, and sought to aid another of that kind, while her intentions
may have been pure, she did so without informing the Council of his
nature or of their contact. She also warned him that the Council were
aware of his nature as a Seer. However, it is also my judgement that
she has undertaken grave trials to alter her destiny, and I cannot
stand in the way of one who would do such. She no longer stands as a
Seer of the Throne, but as a member of the Awakened Nation.

It is not fitting for one who has done such to be subject to full
penalty of the Lex, as such I judge her crime to be similar to that
that of aiding a Seer, and as such she shares in his punishment. While
the Seer Dream Crafter is yet to be judged, I recommend that she
should be banished from our Consillium forever.

Felix Wordsworth stands accused of knowingly aiding Miriam in her
actions, and has once been convicted of such. Following his supernal
oath of truth, and an open discussion, it is my judgement that Felix
Wordsworth did not know of her actions, and did not aid her as a Seer.
He is no more guilty than any of the other Awakened who knew the open
secret of her family heritage, and such knowledge is not a crime. I
recommend that no punishment should be levied against him.

For both individuals, the charges of resisting the legal authority of
the Consillium are dropped entirely, and as such they will not be
considered in this Illumination.

The man pondered. And smiled, slowly.

Sometimes, the Dragon's Voice roared. And sometimes... it whispered.
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