Oct 18, 2004 14:43
This is a rough sketch of a conversation i had with a guy one time online
it started with me sucking at a certain game.....
GUY:Dude, quit complaining about the game.... your just a fucking noob, admit it
ME:I've been playing this game for like a year now, how can i still suck at this?
GUY:Simple, you SUCK!
ME:shhh dont tell anyone
GUY: i don't think i have anyone to tell really
ME:OH... ....good
GUY:so what's the big deal? so your not good at this game, just try another one
ME:Dude, i've done some weapons and millitary training, why is it that the tactics that they teach you don't work in these games?
GUY:because their is no reprocussions to anyones actions. Like say if i shoot you, ya just respawn somewhurs
ME: that would be really useful in real life...
GUY: it would be really disgusting too
ME: yeah but i'm sure theirs nothing funner than getting hit by a mack truck and then suddenly respawning in some old ladies bathroom jumping out her second story window, landing on your neck only to find yourself in a Office room with a bunch of board members staring at you wondering how you teleported onto their chandelleir.
GUY: well, if this game was real life everyone would do it.
ME: imagine the possiblilities man, like how great would it be just to skydive without a parachute then respawn on a mountain side only to jump off the cliff, of your choise mind you, to tumble to your doom.... well temporary doom.
GUY: yeah, god has no sense of fun
ME: well, i dunno, he invented bubble machines and go-carts.
GUY: this is true but some how Cheese fondue doesn't compare with jumping on a grenade and then finding yourself on a flight to northern Laos
ME: mmm, cheese
ME: mmmm gutter....cheese, gutter cheese
ME: semi-pasturized.... aaaaaalughlgmmmmm
GUY:wait, how did we go from blowing up to guttercheese }(WTF IS GUTTER CHEESE?!)
ME:I dunno(its the stuff between your toes that smells like cheese)
ME:its good on a fresh salad ya know?
GUY:.......no........ I've never tried and honestly never want to
ME: some people have no sense of adventure