(no subject)

Feb 27, 2005 00:20

Sam asked me today that if sometimes i just look around and feel that the human race is depressing.

I replied no.

I think we are in our own form of perfect and we don't know it.

How can one experience pure bliss without experiencing pure misery? How could you know how sweet it is? How could you know how good excitement is if you didn't know how terrible mind numbing boredom was? If the world was full of only good things, and not the end of both extremes,(and everything in between) you would never cherish how good things are because then they would just be the norm. I don't wish I was born into a place where everything was perfect because there would be no way to know if it was good or bad; no way to appreciate it. Maybe we are here in our own little heaven and we dont realize it because we desperately need something to be wrong so we can want the good again. Look around, because the fact that we live on this rock and have the ability to love, hate, choose, consider, interpret, understand, sympathize, empathize, think, learn, re-learn, regret, be gracious, need, want, be jealous, be confident, and understand our own mortality, is something of truly amazing proportions.

What do we want? What are we looking for? It's all right here.

I'm not saying we don't have the right to be miserable and upset but I'm saying that we should be a little more amazed by the world around us....because it is truly amazing.
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