ok so...
sequels are never as good as the original...
but here it is... it's another flower,
a stem of barbed wire and melted plastic.
the leaves and petals are of flame molded clear vinyl sheeting.
the flowers center is made up of two short prongs twisted around each other held together in layer after layer of my hardened blood.
as on the previous flower all black coloring and texture on the stem is from either melted plastic or from over heating the metal.
materials: made of melted plastic, barbed wire, wiring and my blood
cost to build: free... all spare parts... blood costs nothing
time to build: thirteen hours over the span of three weeks
what the inspration was and what does it represent?
this flower is something i never thought i'd make.
i couldn't figure out what the drive behind it was.
it seemed so tame in compared to my other work...
all the petals are so uniform.
all tightly pressed one to the next.
surrounding the center, a hollow, empty space...
a place of solitude or a wall put in place to hide?
i don't know...
dead center like an immortalized couple dancing in solitude,
two sole metal prongs forever entwined.
swimming in blood, so fluid and full of life
now slowly hardening with every moment passed.
the undivided couple cased in blood like statues made of me,
an endless moment in time when two were one and away from distraction.
i could stay there forever...
sometimes you feel all is lost...
but you hope... you try... you lose... you hurt...
but is it worth trying again?
ask me 6 months ago... i'd have said no.
ask me now...
for more pictures of this and other peices go to