We have a dillema at our house of having enough food for dinner each night. We try to buy enough for the entire week, but now with Phin eating table food we cant just eat sandwiches on Thursday and Friday nights.
Mamma's gotta cook something up for Phin to eat for dinner each night and last night Mamma's meatloaf took a little too long to cook. So what do you do?
McDonald's run.
I ran over to the MickeyD's for a fish sandwich and a #1 combo. I always get a #1 combo whereever I go. Its the cheapest and easiest thing to order and I don't have to worry about the employees messing it up.
So Heather fed Phin some cut up bologna and some cooked corn. I guess that was ok, cuz he ate all his meat (which is rare). He prefers vegetables.
Speaking of vegetables... if you havent seen
College Saga by Mark Leung, watch it now!! It's 4 parts and worth watching if you are a Final Fantasy Fan. Watch it now!!!