Defacing Work Property

Oct 19, 2006 07:54

So I have this hand-me-down monitor for my computer here at work and its always seemed a little dirty.

The monitor screen just looked a little nasty. Well last week I decided to do something about it...

I took out the Windex and spritzed the screen and wiped it down.

I think that was a bad idea. The screen just seemed to get blurry in spots.

Well yesterday I was tired of seeing the splotches, so I asked an associate what to do. He said to wet a paper towel and wipe it down.

And so I did. Except now the screen went entirely splotchy and nasty and this brown stuff started coming off on the paper towel.

If you turn the monitor off, you can see how the screen actually looks against a black screen and it looks BAD. BAD BAD. I'm pretty sure there was an anti-reflective coating on the screen and its partially coming off, therefore making my screen look like complete crap.

I called IT services, and it sounds like I might be getting a new monitor today. If I'm lucky it might be a flat screen monitor too!

We shall see though... *fingers crossed.

who would have thought that doing something so awful might end up being a blessing?

monitor, screen, work, defacing, windex

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