what a bad day!!!

Jul 15, 2002 22:23

ok i was goin to come down at like 3 2day witch would get me there bout 5:30 witch is good that way i could hang out wit zach but like normal my plans dont work out... everythin went wrong N i didnt leave to come down the shore till 8:00 so0o i didnt get here till like 10:45.. so0o guess what! i didnt get to hang out wit any1 2nite then... 2morrow i was goin to go to zach's house N hang out wit him but my mom found out that his parents r not goin to be there N said that she had to ask my dad so0o she called my dad N he was like well i dont know let me sleep on it.. so0o now my parents have to sleep on it so0o i told zach N he was like what the hell i had the hole day planed i feel real bad now.. so0o again i had plans but they may not work! so0o i dont know what is goin to happen 2morrow i dont no what i am goin to do but i know that i am goin to see zach i dont care i have 2...s0o now it is like 1:15 in the mornin N i am so0 tired so0o i am goin to go to bed i hope everythin works out 2morrow..... im out lata
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