;friends only

Oct 18, 2013 17:13

Locked | Currently SELECTIVELY ADDING | Tell me your name, a little bit about yourself, if we have something in common and I'm most likely to add you. ♥ | Please don't add me first. I won't add you back if you do not comment here.
{Comments are screened}

me ♪
Liddy; eighteen; blonde; german; fangirl; insecure; music addict; needs to be more spontanious; hugger

♥ ♪
reading; my friends; animals; summer; soccer(watching not playing); english; tv; photoimpact; music; writing

tv ♪
fringe | v | community | haven | lost | himym | oth | bones | merlin | grey's anatomy | gossip girl | the mentalist | csi:ny | ncis | house m.d.

celebrities ♪
elizabeth mitchell | kristen stewart | robert pattinson | emilie deravin | leonardo dicaprio | kate winslet | bonnie wright | matthew fox | orlando bloom | ewan mcgregor | marion cottilard

music ♪
coldplay | interpol | dukes of windsor | the bravery | radiohead | muse | the national | snow patrol | death cab for cutie | elisa

movies ♪
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind | a walk to remember | remember me | the notebook | becoming jane | pride & prejudice | dead poets society | twilight | harry potter

credits ♪
layout | moodtheme | animation | profile

graphics ♪
Icons | Icons II | foranged, tumblr | julietstills | johnmaylives | the ghost network | julietkate

livejournal, !for the world to see, friends only

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