It feels like ages but it really is only three months since I started running, three months since I braved taking that first leap to see if my body would stay relatively upright and carry me forwards at a faster pace than walking. In the photograph above, first three months of being able to run 8th April, 29th April 13th May 18th June 88 down to 80kg
I am feeling incredibly proud of this achievement, not just the weight loss but the whole big picture, being able to move, project myself, run, bend, stretch, laugh, cough, sneeze, smile, all kinds of things that I simply couldnt do before, its all coming together nicely and I love everything about the ride so much I can't stop smiling about it all.
To think this is what I looked like a year ago, it all does not seem real to me at all still, I know its all real because I'm the one doing it, putting in the hard work, counting every single calorie, carbs, protein and fat grams that goes into my body, reading upon more reading about how the body turns the food and drinks consumed each day into fuel and essential nutrients to sustain the organs etc, but in reality it truly is one hell of a ride that I've stepped on to and I have no intention of getting off, not just yet at least!
Today's video compilation is showing my first three months of running experiences, you can see from the first clip going into the second my body is quite uncoordinated, arms swinging all over the place, then in today's clip added on I'm upright and more focused, my body language running is a lot more confident. Angelica took the video when I was on the third lap early this morning, I didn't know she was filming me and we also have her to thank for putting the clips together as well. I'm so thankful for her making this video, it definitely gives me something to work on for the next three months, that mile without stopping is getting closer and closer I can feel it.
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