Epic Gym Workout Today

Feb 21, 2013 16:48

I feel pretty EPIC right now, today I did a full 70 minutes workout with my trainer which included ALL the following machines with three sets of reps and varying intensity levels:
Warm up for five minutes at level 7 speed cycling at an incline of level 4 without taking a pause in between each minute just nailing the five minutes flat out to get the heart rate up

Chest Press three sets of twelve reps starting off at 12.5kg then increasing by 2.5kg for each set

Shoulder Press three reps of 12 again, starting at 25, then up to 30 then 35kg for the last set

Seated Leg Press, this is a new one I just started today, loads of fun though, 20, 25 then 30kg reps of fifteen each set

Treadmill, comfortable speed of 4.9 incline of 2.8 level 8 for 8 minutes, this one is a bit tricky to let go of as its quite a fast pace any faster I'd be gently running

'Extreme' Elliptical Trainer! set to level 6 right off the bat on my first go, my trainer has either lost the plot ompletely or has the upmost faith in my abilities, or maybe a bit of both :) I did manage it, its a bit like rubbing your tummy round and round whilst patting your head completely out of rhythm and with no particular order, once I was on this cross trainer I was elated at being able to power the machine myself, it does not go unless you move it, it stops when you stop so feet in the oversized pedals, hands gripping the handle bars, peddling with the feet and legs pushing backwards and forwards with the arms and away it went, it was totally totally awesome I loved it.

Bicep Curls whilst balancing on one leg, having a lot of trouble with this lot of sets, its so hard for me to be on one leg but my strength is building continuously and now I can get up to 7 or even 8 reps sometimes, started off doing these two weeks ago so progress is being made and am now up to 4kg in each hand

Arm Cycle who's proper name is Fluid Upper Body Ergometer. This is a hell of a lot harder than it looks, you basically cycle as fast as you can with your arms varying degrees of levels and weights added to challenge your strength, honestly trust me when I tell you this one hurts like hell after a couple of minutes, I go up to seven mins if I can stand it.

I finish with ten minutes wind down on the exercise bike set to level 7 slowly going down to level 4 with no incline.

Very proud to be able to reach my own shoes to tie my own laces before each session then complete all of this still smiling at the end, totally totally awesome!

hair, gym, swimming, exercise, diet, albinism, health

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