Another day at work

May 09, 2005 12:20

I'm at workstudy and I actaully have so much to do, which is fine, but I was actaully in a good spot in the book I was reading. I'm just taking a little break, and than I'm back to the work. I did a bunch of surveys and now I have to put a ton and I mean a ton of labels on envolpes because they need to get sent out really soon. I don't know when the next time I will update on this since I turned down Wednesday shift here and I don't think I'm coming in on friday since my friend Brad is coming up from TN. It will be nice to see him again. I might be working next week so I will be able to update again.

I have been crazy with working at two jobs, working out, and all the other stuff I need to get done. It's only going to get worse too. Oh well, I can live.

I'm upset becasue I'm my gpa is like 4tenths of a point from what I need to get a discount on my car insurance. It sucks because now ihave to start to pay a little more. I didn't even get any c's which sucks and if my teacher didn't have an A- be 92.6 I would have been fine. I got a 92.3 and she didn't round it up. It makes me want to scream!

I also hate it when people don't call you when they say there going to!
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