It's been a long strange trip and fuck me if it's over anytime soon

Sep 28, 2003 00:55

Fuck, again. I figured some stuff out, and I wrote some stuff down, but mostly I suppose I should tell about that guy. His name, as he later told me, is Jack. A little unassuming, I know, but I don't think it's an alias. And I am now staying here, at his flat, although that does fall into the story later.
Fuck yeah Jack is a vampire. And forgive me for being immature and conflagrantly stupid, but damn that's cool. Let me cut a long story short (yes, even after I went to all the trouble of finally remembering it) and tell you that I am too. That's even cooler, I think.
Probably by now a lot of my friends and family don't know where I am, I sure know school os probably failing me. Jack said I could enroll in some community college night classes, but really he was looking for someone to train. Sweet.
I am told, though, that I am taking this too lightly, like some 16 year old girl who gets married to the first guy she dates. Yeah she'll regret it. Wait, am I not viewing this in an appropriate manner? Should I be worried that I am . . . Fuck, I'm dead. And FuckX2, I can't go home.
All my life I wanted that edge, that extra bit of know-how, or whatever. Something was keeping me from being perfect. Am I wrong to embrace (no pun intended) the idea of maybe having that chance? Of being what I have always been so close to being? Of having what I want?
Jack is taking me outside for the first time since, well, that night he . . .
I'll post when I next feel it necessary.

Nice DreamS, I hope
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