today in the practice room i decided that i really have no right to complain about anything. none of us do - we are so fucking lucky. i constantly work myself up over trivial, unimportant things, and fail to put them in perspective, giving them much more attention then they deserve. besides, complaining is just unnecessary, obnoxious, and achieves nothing. i could always be doing something more productive instead of bitching about how i wish things were better.
...that being said, i'm going to try to reform my life approach as quickly as possible, and erase all complaints from all my dialogue. ha.
in other news, i've been on a dress-wearing craze as of late... i don't know, i just think they're so goddamn pretty. a couple days ago i wore the white summer dress i got from chloe's (from project runway) store, and it was light and breezy and perfect. i wore my tiny black one with the pretty lace-up back to masquerade on saturday, with a red sequined mask, and stole huge sips from brad's beer while dancing to music i actually enjoyed (yes i know, at a rice party!) - delightful. today i wore my mom's old blue dress, and brad told me i looked like an 80s flight attendant, which pissed me off slightly (though okay, i like his kisses way too much to find any real fault). but several other people who i respect adored it, and i love the dress so shit, man. it's been in the 80s everyday and overwhelmingly humid and i got a tan from lying outside for approx. 45 minutes. mm, houston.
on a unrelated and somewhat ironic note, i've been frustrated recently with the lack of situations i'm in that promote some sort of involved/deep conversation. i have countless chats with people every day, but i never feel like there's anything accomplished... it's all fluff, 'hows your day going' or 'did you hear? ___ hooked up with ___ and he wasn't drunk AND he doesn't like her' bullshit. but then occasionally when i'm in the perfect situation to bring something intriguing, provoking etc up - i hit a blank. it's so incredibly irritating (wait, am i complaining? sort of, shit).
in creative writing today i made semi intelligent comments, even though i was exhausted beyond belief and in that horrible half-crazed, overly-caffeinated state. i also couldn't stop thinking about the bizarre conversation i had with brad's ex on saturday night - which involved discussion about roommates barging in while others 'get it on', and giving head, among other things.
to end, and briefly summarize my life: i've been smoking a lot of cigarettes recently (mostly when drunk), and spending a lot of time with some lovely steinways and at brad's house. i have a radio shift tomorrow (this) morning at 7am, and it's currently 2:02. life is generally absurdely pleasant, minus slight shitty discrepancies that really, truly don't deserve any complaints. that is all.
bryceley and me
pete is wearing my scarf, though you can't really tell
haha oh bryce
my room, and lovely bern
at numbers
i like brad's expression in this one, and his hair
drunk? oops, never, we don't do that shit
la, ♥