"to judge you by your failures is to cast blame upon the seasons for their inconsistency"

Jan 31, 2005 22:23

“you can muffle the drum, and you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall command the skylark not to sing?” --kahlil gibran

what a caged bird. i was on crack mode all through ms cavalieri and mr courtney (6+7) at school. i couldn't stop talking, even when there was no one listening; however, many people listened. what they heard was lunacy sprinkled with obsessive mocking of the ominous figures strutting quite pompously before their befuddled and unresponsive pupils. i feel a tiny bit sorry for them, a really tiny bit, because i know no one (minus a very few highly prized people in each class) actually cares. its sort of all for nothing if no one is really actually interested in anything but a good grade. in other words, i'm definately never going to be a teacher. cool. (thumbs up)!! one occupation down...a million different more to choose from (it seems)... mother and father keep stressing school and respsonsibility and the future and allthatjazz but i would rather sit upon the bank of the stream of time and watch the current move than jump in and go with the flow, however much i pine for change, no matter how much i like knowing i grow older with each passing second...the future is looking bright ahead, oh these times they are achangin. anyways i took a 15 minute nap and had a mind-altering vision in which i believe i discovered my destiny...i forgot it all, but i feel close to it. WOOT!!

holla at ur boy. peace. still carrying the burden of deceit, don't think i'll have a clear conscience until i can be honest with even the most unlikely of persons to comprehend and appreciate me...i suppose none of it matters as long as i appreciate and respect myself, respectively. i really just don't know.
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